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Free Layouts for MySpace

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Friday, October 10, 2008

What not to wear...

In university, especially Rhodes university, the question of what to wear is not too difficult to answer, as anything generally goes. It's not surprising to see somebody sitting in a lecture in their PJ's or a night gown and wigs and weird hats are common place. Personally I am quite well known for having an innate ability to dress up like a complete tool, it's all just a question of how you wear whatever it is you've got on. Walking around with a massive black afro wig and aviators on, if you're walking around thinking to yourself, "wow I look like an idiot, why am i doing this" then you're going to come looking like an awkward idiot with a black afro wig on (that also happens to sparkle with red lights). However if you walk around thinking to yourself "Wow i look like an idiot, but i love it!" then people are going to pick up your vibe and may worry about your mental state, but at least they'll have a laugh with you... You'll be surprised at how being dressed like a fool can make another person's day that much more enjoyable.

In life people can be really judgemental, stereotypes are hard to kick and generally life can be a tough social environment to come through without a few ego bruises. University however is the one place you can let yourself go and act a bit crazy without fear of judgement. Trust me if i was really judged on some of the outfits I've donned over the year, I'd have no social life!

So always remember to pack at least one item of odd clothing when preparing to come to Rhodes, cause more often than not, it's the person who hasn't dressed up that looks like the tool! However this brings me to the point of this post, what not to wear! With all this fashion freedom it can happen that somebody crosses the line, dress like a nurse, walk around in nothing but a sheet wrapped like a toga, but never EVER EVER EVER wear a pink and turquoise flower print shirt! No matter how accepting people are, this item of clothing can never be pulled of! EVER!

Much Love

The Piet

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Whether to worry about weather...

When it comes to Grahamstown weather, there is nothing that can be said to prepare you for it's craziness, it seems to follow the craziness of the people that live here.
Yesterday saw a tragic event occur here in G-Town, something unheard of, a mini-tornado hit the community, smashing scores of houses and leaving some people injured, all this happening while students on campus were being battered with golf balls for hail stones! It really was a weird event, something that doesn't happen in this country.
However what really makes it so crazy weird, is that not an hour before the hailstorm and tornado hit, the G-town sun was blazing at full temperature and I was walking around in shorts and a T-Shirt, and to add to this the sun came out again for a beautiful afternoon, just for us to be hit with waterfall's worth of rain in the evening. It was a Wednesday and most people were keen to go out, and after the rain, it became pretty mild and seemed like it was going to be a decent evening, however, that is when the winds came up, blowing up not only skirts, but the hopes many had to go out that night...

This was the epitome of a true Grahamstown day in terms of weather, we literally experienced every season in one day... There is nothing to prepare you for the weather in this town, unless you leave in the morning with a backpack full of raincoats, jerseys and a change of pants, you cannot be prepared... You will either be too hot or too cold...

Ha ha, seems like a bleak picture, but it really isn't, it just adds to the super-crazy-psycho-coolness that is living in Grahamstown!

Much Love

The Piet

P.S, these photo's were taken on the same day only 1 hour apart...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reminders of Sanity...

The dining hall, the two-faced being that she is, can throw up some seriously dodgy food, but at the same time is host to some of the most memorable moments of your varsity career.

Things to remember about the food are things like, at dinner never have the left over chips from lunch and never have the minute steak, as tasty as it seems when described, I'm still trying to figure out what wild critter they're trying to pass of as steak! Oh and Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are peanut butter and syrup days!

If you're lucky enough to end up in a hall like Nelson Mandela, you'll generally be treated to some awesome food, and the kitchen staff are really friendly. However there are some halls, (Cough cough..... Smuts) that are not renowned for amazing food, and in fact have been known to run out of certain foods, so when you're running up to lunch to get your chicken mayo roll and all they've got left is the dodgy health platter mushroom roll, you'll be cursing your lecturer for going over time!

Though this post is not about the food this time, (we'll post a list of what foods to eat and what not to eat soon enough) but this post is about the friends you make in the dining hall...

This evening I sat in the dining hall from 5 o'clock until about quarter past 6. How is it possible that I sat for an hour and fifteen minutes in the dining hall? Well the eating of the food took all of 15 minutes (I love mushroom rolls, hmmm) and then I indulged in the most amazing chill time. You'll walk over to the toaster (Which is known for turning bread in to either pancakes or charcoal, unless timed right!) and on the way you'll pass a fellow Journ student and while waiting for the toast you'll bitch about all the work you've got coming up. While sitting at the table eating your toast (All 4 slices, I’ll repeat, Hmmm I love mushroom rolls) one of the people at the table will offer tea and coffee (Let's just say it's not Mugg and Bean coffee), and you'll gladly accept, in between your hysterical laughing as a friend cracks the dodgiest jokes. Then if it's a Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, the question "areyougoingouttonight?" will get brought up by at least 4 different people, all to which you'll generally answer "Of course!" even if there isn't a chance in Denmark you're going out. Even if you sit at a table with different people every day of the week, you still treat it like it's a family dinner, and various anecdotes about peoples days are thrown around like bouncing balls... "Ya, wow did any of you guys see that naked guy outside Eden Grove!" "Nought bru, but I heard about it! What a tweaker!"

The conversation isn't riveting but it's just what everybody needs at the end of a long day of lectures (or a long day of skipping lectures and smoking hubbly by the pool). During exams is when the dining hall really serves a purpose, it becomes a procrastinators paradise! Everybody finds the most insignificant reason to stay in the dining hall and avoid going back to res to study. The dining hall is the place where you will meet your friends for life and learn about their eating habits. If you treat it like your family dinner room, the dining hall, besides all its dodgy food and overheating toasters, can be place for some really awesome times!

Much Love

The Piet

Monday, October 6, 2008

Life is like a box of Smarties...

As I lay, watching a zombie movie, cuddling and in a complete state of laid back bliss, I was hit with an epiphany! Rather i was blindsided by a massive wave of realisation, that it is as clear as the air we breath that this was the meaning of life.... These few words...

Life is like a box of Smarties...

Yes that is what i came to realise that wonderful Sunday evening, that through all the stresses and complexities we encounter in life it all comes down to a box of smarties. Every person is like a candy coated piece of chocolaty goodness, each with it's own colour and slight shape variations, yet all made of the same amazing chocolaty awesomeness.

Even though you know they all taste the same and deliver the same amount of tastiness explosion, you still somehow develop a favourite... And you cant but help to separate them into there different colours, like we class the people in our lives, all in their own boxes each with it's own purpose and time to be eaten. There are various ways to eat a smartie, you can suck on it until the candy dissolves and it's just the syrupy chocolate spectacular left to suck and swallow, or you can chomp a whole handful and and just chew them to a scrumptious mix of crunch and munch... Just like the many ways we can eat smarties so are the many ways we handle all the various people in our life, the love we have for family, the kinship of our friends and the affection given by our partners. Each smartie similar in so many ways yet with a multitude of ways to enjoy them.

So I've figured out a way to conceptualise life for any person who feels a bit lost... Just think of it like a box of smarties, pick your favourite and find the best way to enjoy it while still savouring how awesome the rest of the smarties are!

Well that was just a random rant of some really really really random stuff, probably not the meaning of life, but something to think about...

Much Love...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Darling let's do lunch!

It was humid and the sun was on its best performance. I sat and waited. And waited. As I turned around for the fifth time, I saw my subject; Alexander William Nicholas Hawings-Byass. As the man with the name of someone royal approached, he rubbed his tired eyes. It was clear he had just got out of bed.

There are many students whose story should be told about how to go about first year. Alex’s is one of how not to!

Age 19 and a Pom, Mr. Hawings-Byass decided to attend Rhodes University in 2008, because it “provided a good education. I didn’t expect much from a South African University, but was pleasantly surprised.” On the contrary however; he continued with, “I expected to party… And get a degree.”

We sat at the prime meeting spot on campus; the Kaif, and talked about every possible questionable choice he has made this year. His “laid back” attitude was reflected in his wearing of a pair of aviator Rayban sunglasses and a Rhodes Jersey. His fluffy whipped mane shone in the sunlight and the stubble on his chin confirmed he hadn’t touched a razor for a couple of days.
An average day for Alex consists of a shower ( I’m pleased to announce) followed by being clothed, a quick check in the mirror, then the odd stroll to a lecture, lunch, watching an episode of whatever he hasn’t seen, supper and then finally pre-drinking. “I go to about four lectures per week, one practical and two tutorials. Whatever is the minimal.” His subjects are suffering the consequences. He’s enrolled for Art History, Philosophy, Geography and Classics. As the first three are doing alright, the last, Classics has yet to be passed. “I wish I had gone to lectures. I have to pass Classics somehow.”

His partying habits are bad and frequent. Going out five times a week, means more time catching up on sleep and thus affecting his lecture attendance. He starts with pre-drinking in res and then moves on to the usual; “Union, Rat and Friars”. He claims his biggest mistake is drinking and talking. “A word of advice to all first years, don’t drink and talk!”
Talking about talking, Alex is a smooth talker; a charmer and an ultimate ladies man. Referred to as the “Chuck Bass” of Rhodes, Mr. Hawkings-Byass has had countless encounters with the older women of Rhodes. “I like older women” he says plain and simply. “South African girls are modest. I like that!”

If his partying habits and lecture attendance are not enough, his spending habits will surely do. On first look, one wouldn’t expect him to be a spender, but Alex handles the small allowance he receives per month rather well. R5000 is his little budget. I nearly fell over backwards when I heard those four digits being uttered out of his mouth. “I didn’t think I would be able to manage with only that when I first came to Rhodes, but I’m managing alright”. He spends most of his money on alcohol and food. “I get take -aways three times a week, and pre-drinking costs a lot”. A fan of popular food locations in town, Alex spends most of his meal times at either Juice bar or Steers. “I can’t live without either of them”. Another cost factor in Alex’s budget is petrol. Often too lazy to walk home, or down to town, he pays petrol money for Piet; a res mate, to transport him. Food bribes are frequently involved as well.

After careful evaluation, I am surely convinced that Alex is a prime candidate for how not to go about first year. He parties way too much. Barely spends more than ten minutes at his desk; and that’s just to check his Facebook profile, hardly knows what subjects he’s enrolled in and eats far too much take-out! What I have also concluded however is that Alex is another Guy Butler legend. Yes, I’m afraid I am saying this, but he has gone above and beyond doing everything that every Rhodes student would love to do, but just don’t have the guts to do-or daddy’s bank account to rely on. He’s happy at Rhodes! And although he may wish he had done certain things differently, he has done one thing right- and that is shown first year students what to avoid!

Check out his profile page on Facebook to explore more of his eccentric behavior!

The Ultimate Rhodent

Kirsten MacGillivray and I chat about nothing as we walk the few metres from our Res to the Kaif. Affectionately known as Kirst, she is the girl with the infectious laugh and knack for playing pranks on the unsuspecting the residents of John Kotze House, and is one who I have come to know and love these past nine months. We arrive, find a secluded spot and Kirst begins to speak about the University that has enabled her to follow her passion, acting. Drama is the reason Kirst came to Rhodes and also why she has grown to love this little place. She considers herself a typical, fun- loving, wine- drinking Rhodent, and is not ashamed to admit that she falls under some of the stereotypes associated with Rhodes students. However, Kirst comes with a twist, although she loves to visit the Union, Rat and Parrot and Friars every weekend and get involved with sport, she also considers herself, “one of the drama kids” and this gives her the opportunity to let her alternative side show. Kirst looks the part today in her emerald green cardigan over a bright green T- shirt, a multi-coloured scarf, dark jeans and sneakers, and a bright yellow badge with a cheeky mouth on it.
While slowly sipping a strawberry Sterrie Stumpi, Kirst gazes at the passing students through her huge black sunglasses and chats about the people she has met at Rhodes thus far. The person she believes to have had the best influence on her is another J.K. native, Mia. She says this is because of Mia’s “no stress, no judgement” outlook on life and her ability to be herself and be happy with who she is. Kirst also admires Mia’s self-confidence, something that Kirst feels she lacks, despite having to perform in front of other people every day. She says her best qualities are her willingness to help a friend in need, her creativity and her unconventionality. Speaking of unconventional, Kirst chooses the night she was found asleep in the bathroom of the Rat and Parrot as the craziest thing that has happened to her while at Rhodes, “I was just in there taking a nap”, she laughs.
Although Kirst is mostly content with life at Rhodes, she has had her share of highs and lows. One particular low that she remembers is when she doubted whether studying drama at an academic institution was indeed the right path for her. She was contemplating whether going to a specialized acting school such as AFDA, or trying to make it in the international business would not be a better choice. However, Kirst has set her doubts aside and has decided that Rhodes is definitely the place to hone her acting skills and have a campus life at the same time. Still, there are times when she feels discouraged, “Like now, when my drama group is falling apart” she sighs. At this point our good friend Cit joins us at the table, the Kaif, after all, is the social hub on campus. Kirst and Cit both light up a cigarette, a habit Kirst picked up from hanging around outside the drama department.
Kirst has an adventurous spirit and describes her best day at Rhodes as the day she was thrown into a pit of mud after Botha House’s “Mud Olympics” and ended up having to walk home coated in the gooey, brown substance. She describes Rhodes as a University with a great campus life and a place that “allows you to make good friends quickly”. Advice she would give to incoming first years is to learn to balance work and play and also to take any opportunity they are presented with. However she says with a laugh, “Don’t stress about anything, it’s just first year, you’re only expected to pass”. This tongue-in-cheek statement encapsulates Kirst’s happy-go-lucky personality and is why she has been so successful in becoming the “ultimate Rhodent”.
Have a look at Kirst's Facebook profile: